Sunday, September 21, 2014

Relitics has had a confused existence.

Originally I intended it to be a venting arena where I could pontificate on religion and/or politics. But issues having nothing to do with either religion or politics intervened and Relitics was set aside.

Eventually the dust did settle and I found myself to be a very rusty writer. Even by my low standards my writing had become rusty. I found that writing had become like riding a bike You DO forget.

So I resurrected Relitics as a site where I could, hopefully, lose some of the rust, get back on the saddle, etc. (Sadly I've lost my book of tired cliches and must trust that these last few are fresh and untried.). To get back on point: I set myself up with a schedule and wrote - every Sunday night, often inspired by nothing more than what song might be playing in the background.

Well, that was great, for me. But, truth be told, who wants to write and write and be unread? Well I guess, actually there are many people that do. And I say "Bravo" to them. On the other hand there are a lot of people who get similar pleasure from talking to themselves. We generally cross the street when we see them coming.

My point, if there really is one, is that readers of blogs like to read blogs that are about something,not blogs that are about nothing. Think about it. For instance, who would watch a TV show about nothing?

Finally to remedy the situation about having a blog about nothing I'm making the following changes:

Reletics will be about religion and politics, although it may never see another entry.

I've created a new blog: WriterReadersPost. It will be about writing and it will also be about reading. After all there's no point writing if nobody is reading.

Hope to see you there at

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