Wednesday, August 12, 2020

A Best Next Step


Have recent events taught me anything? If so, then what? Can it make a difference?

These are the questions I ask myself as I ponder recent events in the United States. I look for deep meaning but I don’t really find it. I just left with a combination of disgust, despair and hopelessness about the human condition.

Ahmaud Arbery was jogging when his murder was caught on video. If the video had not gone viral would his murderers have even been arrested? It doesn’t seem likely. It also makes you wonder how many other similar incidents were not caught on video.

In Kentucky, Breonna Taylor was shot 8 times when police stormed into her apartment — or politely knocked, depending upon which version of accounts you choose to believe. Her boyfriend, who legally carried a gun, defended himself in what he believed to be a home invasion. There can be little doubt that, as initially charged, he was lying and represented a threat to law enforcement and the community. Why else would he have called 911? Throw in that the charges against him were dropped and you have an indication that something really wrong happened.

Like Ahmaud Arbery, George Floyd’s death was also caught on video. Would George Floyd’s death have been considered murder if not it had not been caught on video? Look at the video showing several policemen standing over him while he is being held with a knee on his neck. They’re not interceding on his behalf. That’s supposed to be bad, and it is, but more surprising is that they are not reacting in a manner that would suggest this is something they’ve never seen before.

What I think I’ve learned is that racism can be a little bit like skin cancer. What is easily seen may be only a glimpse of how bad things are below the surface.

What’s next? I don’t know? I’ve weighed the pros and cons of writing this little guilt-dump. I suppose I could engage in peaceful protest — we all know that looting is criminal and counter-productive. At the same time, observation has taught us that all that peaceful protest is likely to do is bring about a premature end to our NFL careers. It’s so frustrating that it makes you want to throw something.

So, how do we make a difference? For now, I think we fall back on clichés. As Americans, at least at the moment, we can still choose to vote. Yes, there will be many attempts to discourage voter turnout but those would-be obstacles need to be met and beaten. I do wish that I had the courage of my convictions and honestly believed that a good voter turnout was the answer. I don’t, but I do welcome the chance to be proven wrong. Removing Trump and his minions would be a good start on the road back to civility. While some of the alternatives may provide only the slightest improvement, hopefully they’ll provide for a day when there will be even better choices in a next round.

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