Sunday, April 21, 2013

The Week That Will Become the Week That Was

Background music is courtesy of iTunes Shuffle. Today’s blog begins with “Wall of Denial”by Stevie Ray Vaughan playing in the background.
This will be the week that was – maybe – at least for a little while longer.
Well I have a friend – I guess, who has absolutely no problem framing liberals in the most vile and stereotypical ways possible. Liberals kill babies, coddle criminals, hate legitimate Americans, lie, steal, cheat, want to steal your guns, and re-distribute your wealth. It’s very much a cold-war mentality having settled on a new red menace.
The problem with this approach is that it forces my back against a wall. Am I a liberal? Well, maybe not, but I am now. The truth is that few of us are either all liberal or all conservative. It’s seldom an all one way or the other proposition. Yet many people would prefer that we frame every discussion in that extreme manner.
I support Obamacare – I think. It tackled a real problem: healthcare in the United States. But, it’s over 20,000 pages long. I could never knowledgably and truthfully make a statement of full-out support. Yet the ideological grandstanding that is driving all-out efforts to mindlessly defeat it force me to take such a stance. The truth is that in its 20,000-plus pages I’m sure that there are items that my liberal and conservative friends would agree are in need of additional fixing. (Obamacare is hardly some liberal manifesto as it is reasonably similar to a proposal first put forth by Richard Nixon.)
Playlist: "My Humps" by Black Eyed Peas. There are some songs where not understanding the lyrics wouldn’t be so bad.
A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.
It’s all about the guns. But before even beginning to wonder whether or not Obama is attempting a gun grab it might be worth considering what the above words say.
They don’t say that you can’t regulate arms – just the opposite. That would seem to indicate that registration, background checks, and all sorts of limitations are fair game. Maybe even more importantly the second amendment places restrictions on the federal government. States would seem to be a little freer to trample on second amendment rights – within the allowances of their own constitutions.
In a perfect world there would be no guns. Livestock would simply walk up to your door and die whenever you were hungry. Obviously the world is less than perfect, and things evolved differently. Guns are a part of our reality. But that’s a manly hunting story and not really what is being talked about. Assault weapons, handguns, ammunition cartridges, registration, background checks – that is all the stuff of controversy. Is anything that is being proposed part of some insidious plan to disarm the public? Is it an attack on out second amendment rights?
I’m sure there is something somewhere that proposes to trample second amendment rights, but it doesn’t stand a snowball’s chance in hell of passing, so I think for now it is sufficient to focus on what is possible.
Does requiring registration and background checks infringe upon anybody’s right to own a weapon. We allow similar checks for voting, yet don’t necessarily see that as an infringement upon voting rights. I fail to see a significant problem, unless. . .
Unless you believe the government is out to crush us all. If that’s the case why worry about constitutional rights? You’re basically taking the stance that the government as it exists is not legitimate.
Is gun registration a slippery slope towards confiscation? As usual – for me – I reject slippery slope arguments. Every utterance or action is a potential slippery slope towards something. We can stop where desired.
And the playlist closes the blog with “Leaving Las Vegas”, by Sheryl Crow.

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